Mood Boosting Essential Oils

Did you know that essential oils can help your mood? Lavender, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Chamomile, Lemon, Ylang-Ylang can make you happier and promote feelings of joy and positivity. Rosemary and Lemon can increase your brain power, focus and ability to concentrate. Peppermint will give you more energy and boost mental clarity.

These powerful aromatherapy oils can boost your performance at work or at home, while improving your overall health and well-being. To get the full benefits of these oils, you can diffuse a mixture of oils at home or work, try a relaxing aromatherapy bath in the evenings, or massage an essential oil blend (diluted properly in a carrierr oil) on your body for long lasting effects.

Here are a Few of our Favorite Mood Enhancing Oils:

  1. Lavender. Lavender calms the nerves, relieving tension and stress. It can help you control your emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety.

  2. Jasmine. This uplifting oil with an amazing scent is frequently used as an anti-depressant promoting confidence, optimism and positivity.

  3. Rosemary. A great alternative to coffee, Rosemary oil is a stimulant that can help you fight exhaustion and fatigue and provide with you enhanced energy levels as well as brain function (in other words, it can help improve your memory!)

  4. Lemon. Lemon helps you focus and aids in concentration. This can be extremely useful if you’re feeling anxious or upset but need to focus on work or other tasks. Lemon also has powerful antiviral and antibacterial benefits that can help with sore throats and colds and to improve circulation.

  5. Peppermint. Peppermint is an invigorating oil that can boost your energy levels, clear the mind and help with focus and concentration. It will keep you alert, so try not to use this oil at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Aromatherapy Body Oils from Isabella’s Clearly:

Start your day by massaging your skin with a body oil. Not only will you have amazing skin, but you’ll also benefit from the aromatherapeutic benefits all day long.


The Best Oils for Every Hair Type
